Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Reflection: Third Grading

          First Grading, good... Second Grading, Better... Third Grading,...hmmmm.... bad?!!!!
          For the second half of my fourth year life, this entire grading was very breath-taking and very "buzzy". Mountains of assignments, millions of requirements, oceans of activities,... these were the places I came from, and now, it looks like I will go back again, and travel with the same path. This Third Grading Period seems like every minute was the time for working and there was no time for rest. Working there, working here, and working everywhere. For all of these what happened, all I want for now is to sleep, sleep and sleep.
          In every journey, you will come up with new lessons, like the movies and stories we watch and read. In my journey, I also learned some lessons. The lesson I learned from my journey is only a word... the word "Diligence". This was the word that was absent in my mind last grading period, so all I did was hurried my activities and assignments, so the output was not that good. For the Third Grading Period, the lesson I learned was to pack some "diligence" in everything I do and I will do

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"Christmas is always Merry"


             On-off lights, a tree with many decorations, "bling-blings" on every corner, children caroling house to house,... these things we can see in every Christmas Season, is a normal scenario to every one of us.
           But, did you ever think of what TRUE Christmas is?... Why we decorate?... Why is there a tree called "Christmas Tree"?
           In every Christmas season, there is always a lot of served foods, lots of money, lots of gifts. But, this is not the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is SHARING - sharing of love, blessing and care. In Christmas, let's not mind the material things, but the love, we and they, are sharing.                                                 Christmas should be a key to bind our family stronger. Christmas should be our bridge to share love and blessings we have - like the song " Spread Love on Christmas Day". Christmas should be our guide to direct us  to our True Happiness. For all of God's children, we must say that our Christmas is a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

"Minie, Minie, My Nemo"


                 Parents are fair to their children... A referee in a game is fair to players... Our God is fair to us...
                The Government is fair to people???!...WHAT?!
            There are millions of times that the people are doubtful of the government for the decisions and projects they made. Almost all of the people don't believe on the government for the say that the government is very "UNFAIR". They say that rich person tends to be richer, and a poor person tends to be poorer. They also say that the government is only for the rich, not for all the people concerned.
               But for me, Government is always FAIR. It was just covered by people madly thirsty of money and power. Because of their thirst, they made their selves blind for what is right or wrong. So, they made decisions that are not good and that made the government unfair.

              Let's bear in our minds that Government is always fair for all of us. Let's always think that the government is blindfolded to decide well for the step they will do. Let's not think that the government is the fault of our sufferings but the one who rules this. And lastly, let's not think that the government judges by "Minie, Minie, My Nemo!".


          Storm in Sahara, Flood in the Great Pyramids of Egypt, "El Nino" on North and South Poles, Snow in the Philippines?! For all of these, what can you only say is the word "WHAT?!"
          All the said phenomena, are all seems impossible, but for the Climate Change, all of these are possible. "All Things Change", this saying is what I hardly believe now.
          Did the question, "Why Climate Changes?", passed to your mind? If yes, did you answered this question? If not, look at your surroundings. Look at what people are doing. All are almost covered with trashes and garbage placed improperly. All are almost throwing their trash to everywhere without minding our environment. So, do you know the answer now?
          Mother Earth is the one who is mainly suffering for what we, the people, are doing. We are just taking the blessings given to us by our Mother Earth without exchanging another blessing - the blessing of caring. Mother Earth is like our candle, she sacrifices her life just to brighten our path to happiness. We uses her without thinking her feelings.
          We must bear in our minds that Mother Earth has also feelings that can be hurt. So let us do something that would make her happy like our own mother, by giving us what we need, we must also take care of her. So, all what we need is to plant, plant, plant...care, care, care... and love, love, love.